Newport Peach in Newport Beach Magazine

Buti Glo adds a nightclub feel to yoga class at Newport Peach

By Jessie Dax-Setkus


After a traditional yoga class, complete with a physical workout and meditative breathing, participants might seem to be glowing from the inside out as they emerge with a renewed sense of calm. But at the high-energy Buti Glo session at Newport Peach, students will actually be glowing thanks to the fluorescent body paint and a black light in the room.

According to yoga instructor Nicole Kniss, this is a class where participants can let loose and be themselves. Students learn to love their awkward movements in the mirror and come back for more. This class meets once a month, although Buti yoga without the glow element is also offered regularly. Here, Kniss talks about the class and the origins of Buti Glo.


Nicole Schmitz